Wednesday, May 29, 2024



This fine structure, which is uniform with the Government school buildings in Adelaide and other parts of the colony, was opened lor the reception of pupils in January 1878. It will accommodate 500, which number is the average attendance; there are 650 names on the roll.

The land upon which the building is erected was given for educational purposes many years ago. The building consists of a boy's schoolroom 54 x 24 ft., a girl's department 54 x 22 ft., and the infant's room 50 x 24 ft., with a recess and gallery capable of seating 70 children. There are two class-rooms 24 x 18 ft., and two 22 x 18 ft., besides three lavatories, passages for hats, cloaks, "&c., and the Head-master's private room. The whole of the buildings are lofty and well-lighted, and are ventilated on the Tobin system. Each large room has two fireplaces, so that the teachers and scholars can be cool in the summer and warm in the winter. _

 All the rooms used for instruction are provided with raised platforms, the London school board desks, and a plentiful supply of maps, charts, diagrams, &c.; outside, the schools are provided with large sheds, yards, and the usual outhouses. The supply of water is obtained from two large underground tanks. The girl's playground is divided from the boy s playground by a 6-feet galvanized iron fence, and the whole of the buildings are surrounded on three sides by a substantial stone wall and by a picket fence in front.
 The Head-master's dwelling, a neat little cottage of five rooms with verandah back and front, is separated from the school buildings by a paling fence.
The staff consists of the Head-master (Mr. W. L Neale), Head-mistress (Miss Smith), Messrs. V. J. Pavia and A.H. Neale first and second assistant masters boy's school respectively, the Misses Davie and Whitridge first and second assistants girl's school, and eight pupil teachers. The building cost about £5,500 and the contractors were Messrs. Manson & Munro.

'THE KAPUNDA MODEL SCHOOL.', The Illustrated Adelaide News, (1 February 1879), p. 3.,

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